По всем вопросам рекомендуем связываться с руководителями в Вашем регионе!

Посмотреть контакты здесь 

Please, copy the questions in a free field and answer them. Then enter your e-mail in the field "Address for receiving the certificate" and click “SEND”.


1.        Full name
2.       Date of birth
3.       The place of residence (country, city, street, house, apartment):
4.       Phone:
5.       Other  variants of connection:
6.       Experience in massage:
7.       The current work place:
8.       Education (schools, training programs):
9.       Name your professional skills:
10.     Are you ready to move (in the other city/country):
11.     Name the objectives of your entry into the International Alliance of masseurs:
12.     Whom do you want to thank for information about the International Alliance of masseurs? What services / directions of work in IAM for you would be actual in the future?

Address for receiving the certificate:

You’ll get the certificate on your e-mail.